I Am Taking My Life Back: Part IV (Finale): It’s Only Up from Here

Wow! I’m currently writing this in the “wee-hours” of the morning while reflecting on this blog series, and let me tell you, it has been a ride. I must say, I was a bit nervous about opening up about some personal details of my life, but God reminded me that even this blog is a part of His plan.

In this finale, I want to talk about the process of getting up. First, let me say that it takes a great deal of strength to call yourself out on patterns of behavior that have not been conducive to your growth. So, to those of you who have embarked upon your own personal journeys, I am VERY proud of you and I think you are incredibly BRAVE. Often, we encourage people to face their challenges head-on, but what happens afterwards? When you unpack a lot of the events that have occurred in your life, it can be a bit overwhelming when deciding what to do next. I remember asking God to show me what to do next because I felt empty. I didn’t realize that God had been doing everything I asked Him to do all along; cleansing me and removing the things from my life that were hindering me from fully being about His business for my life. Isn’t that something? We carry so much around with us on a daily basis that we become accustomed to being emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically burdened. Truth be told, there were some things I wasn’t ready to give up yet, but God revealed that “going up” meant that I would have to check my baggage at the door. Day by day, I felt myself getting lighter; each day God was removing something else from my wagon.

I want to backtrack to the statement I made about feeling empty. I felt empty because all the things I used to validate me were now insignificant. If God had chosen to remove the accomplishments, degrees, finances, and status, I would STILL be His child. What am I saying? I’m saying it is sometimes necessary to be emptied of what you used as validation in order to grasp ahold of your true validation in Christ. We are children of God first; everything else we are blessed to attain is an added asset to our purpose in the earth. Let me pause and reaffirm to you that you have meaning and purpose NOW!!! Not when you graduate, get married, lose weight, pay off debt, or any other thing that you may have used to stagnate yourself. You have meaning and purpose because you are a child of the Most High God. Even as you’re reading this, I pray that God is reminding you that you are His. You’ve come a long way and it has not gone unnoticed. Philippians 1:6 reminds us that God will continue to complete the good work that He has begun in us. With each day, God is doing something to elevate you to another level.

I know that 2020 has brought about a lot of events, changes, and emotions that have impacted us in various ways. To say “we are still here” is a blessing in itself. So, let’s make every effort to live a purposeful life. If you need to pray, forgive, reconcile, go to therapy, plan a vacation, schedule a self-care day, or whatever else you feel like doing, do it! Prepare the way for the new version of “YOU”!

It’s interesting because I actually planned to title this finale something different. I had this whole idea and God redirected me to focus on “It’s Only Up from Here”!!! The title is not meant to be said casually, but as a verbal command to your life. It is powerful when our minds align with our words because our thoughts become words and words become actions. So, as we are closing out the remainder of 2020, make some declarations over your life:


  • I am purposed.
  • I am loved.
  • I am a survivor.
  • I am a Child of God.
  • I will accomplish _______________. (State out loud what that goal is)
  • I am worthy NOW!
  • I have not lost time. I have lost what was wasting my time.
  • Every plan and purpose for my life WILL happen and be successful.
  • I empty myself of the negative and refill myself with the positive.
  • I am not backtracking.
  • I am pressing forward.
  • I will extend myself grace and compassion during times of challenge.
  • Who I will become is worth me showing up for everyday!

*******(Feel free to add any other declarations)*******

It’s only up from here y’all. We are not taking any baggage with us. It is a new day with new mercies from God. I pray that we extend ourselves the love, grace, and compassion we need to embrace the next phase of our journeys; that we would live a FULL life with intentionality and purpose. I truly hope that you have been blessed by this blog series. I thank you for supporting and encouraging me as I embarked upon this new journey. I can’t describe in words how much all of it means to me. Feel free to reach out to me and let me know how you’re doing. As always, I am praying for you. IT’S ONLY UP FROM HERE!


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